The US Forest Service is part of the USDA (US Department of Agriculture) and is comprised of 25,000+ people and over 193 million acres of land. The values of this fine organization are:
- Conservation
- Service
- Interdependence
- Diversity
- Safety
There are over 40 offices that are part of the Forest Service and their headquarters is in Washington, DC.
So, why is a water company sharing information about this large government agency?
Mainly because our aquifer is located in Ottawa National Forest – part of the Forest Service Program. As a sustainability focused operation, Superior Natural Mineral Water works closely with a variety of government agencies to make sure that we withdraw water properly, leave the land as good or better than we found it and protect the aquifer from erosion or other invasive actions (to maintain purity and cleanliness).
Where is the Ottawa National Forest? Checkout their web site and a brief map showing the location.
So, what makes this area unique? Not much that other National Forests have:
- Land – over 1 million acres
- Wildlife – plenty of viewing opportunities all year long
- Solitude – large cities are hard to come by but there are a variety of thriving communities who embrace the beauty and solitude of this part of the country
- Camping, hiking, biking and overall enjoyment of the bounty our planet has to offer
That is great – but why, as a water consumer, do I need to know this? Well, let’s just say that the neighborhood has a huge influence on the quality of beverage created. The aquifer is the results of having lots and lots of water flow into it over many years – with more being added every day. Did you know that SNMW is only allowed to take so much water a day/week/month? Yes – we are tightly controlled by multiple layers of government sustainability requirements that we adhere to aggressively. We want to leave the land – and the aquifer – in better shape than we found it.
Our fans are the real winners here. We take something freely given by nature and bottle it so people around the country can enjoy the benefits of an all-natural mineral water.