Quality is Not A Commodity!


One of the challenges with being a new all-natural mineral water (and being the only natural mineral water sourced and bottled in the United States) makes superior Natural Mineral Water somewhat unique and different.

Quality is Not A Commodity!2021-10-15T03:13:23+00:00

Understanding a Superior Aquifer


What is an “Aquifer” and why is it important for understanding Superior Natural Mineral Water? Webster’s defines an aquifer as: …a water-bearing stratum of permeable rock, sand, or gravel That is a good technical

Understanding a Superior Aquifer2021-10-15T03:35:37+00:00

Contest: Is Electrolyte the least understood word on the face of the planet?


When I was young, one of the “big words” everyone tried to stump people with (especially spelling) was Antidisestablishmentarianism. This $4.50 word refers to the connection or disconnection of church and state – especially

Contest: Is Electrolyte the least understood word on the face of the planet?2021-06-17T02:21:14+00:00
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